5 urte B taldeko lagunak Robotika proiektuan murgildu ginen, grina handia erakutsiz. Liburu eta informazio pila ikertu egin dugu, robot mota desberdinekin jolastu egin gara. Proiektuarekin bukatzeko, bi astez, familiekin tailerrak egin ditugu bi robot montatzeko. Prozesu lilulagarria izan da, haurren parte hartzea esanguratsua izan delako, bidean sortu egin diren arazoek atzera eraman gaituztelako, denon arteko lana izan delako,…. Helburu nagusia prozesua izan da, ez emaitza.

The friends of 5 year-old B class have been immersed in a project about Robotics, expressing a huge interest all the time. We have researched in different books and in other sources. We have played with different types of robots.

For ending this project, during two weeks we have carried out with families of the class a workshop to assemble two robots. 

It has been a wonderful process, where the participation of students has been very significant and cooperative. Several complications have appeared in the process that have made it longer and more difficult than expected. Our main objective has been the process, not the last product. 

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Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko.

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