Laugarren mailako ikasleok ikastetxeko pintxo lehiaketan parte hartu dugu. Hainbat egunetan taldeka pentsatu genuen zer pintxo egin behar genuen eta zer material beharko genuen.

Ideia pila bat izan genituen, eta izen oso dibertigarriak ere asmatu genituen.

Lehiaketaren egunean lan izugarria egin genuen pintxoa ahalik eta hoberen egiteko eta aurkezpenean asko ahalegindu ginen.

Gure pintxoen izenak honako hauek izan ziren: “Tacotorti”, “Las escobas comestibles”, “Los minicocos”, “El pintxo del Olentzero” eta “El pintxo colorido”.

Azkenean, gure klasearen ordezkari izango zen pintxoa “erratz jangarriak” izango zirela erabaki genuen eta lehiaketa irabazi ez genuen arren, primeran pasatu genuen.


Our 4th grade students have participated  in the Pintxos competition of our school. For several days we were thinking, in groups, what pintxo we were going to make and what materials we were going to need.

We had a lot of ideas and we also invented so many funny names for our pintxos.

The day of the competition we worked hard and we did our best.

Our pintxo’s names were: “Tacotorti”, “Las escobas comestibles”, “Los minicocos”, “El pintxo del Olentzero” and “El pintxo colorido”.

Finally, we decided that the one that was going to represent our classroom must be ” Las escobas comestibles” and, eventhough we didn’t win the competition, we really had a great time!!

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