LH 4. mailako ikasleak gara. Covid-19a dela eta gu ere etxean sartuta gaude baina hargatik ez dugu umorea eta lanerako gogoa alde batera utzi. Denok egin behar izan dugun bezala, gu ere egoera berri honetara egokitu gara eta eskolako lanekin jarraitzeko Classroom bat sortu dugu. Erraten dute gauza txar guztietatik atera daitekela zerbait ona: guk teknologia berriekin gauza aberasgarriak ikasteko aprobetxatuko dugu!

We are 4th grade students. Due to the COVID-19 we too are in our houses but we continue with our humour and working interest. As all of us is doing we have used to this new situation and we have created Classroom to continue with the class works. They say that we can get something good from all the bad things: we have take advantage of the technology to learn new things!

Horrela bada, bi aste hauetan jo eta su ibili gara pantaila aurreran lanean.

This way, in this two weeks we have been working in front of a screen.

Batzuetan lan dibertigarri, original eta arrakastatsuak egin ditugu…

But not only with screens, we have made handcrafts too! Sometimes we have made funny, original and successful works…

Beste batzuetan ez dugu arrakasta lortu… baina saiatu gara eta prozesuarekin disfrutatu dugu familiaren konpainian!

In other moments we haven’t got this success… but we have tried and we have enjoyed the process with the family company.

Errezeta goxoak sukaldatzen ere bagabiltza. Kontuz ibili beharko dugu, etxean sartuta eta ariketa gabe… ea tripota handitu behar zaigun!

We are also cooking tasty recipes. We have to be careful locked up in our houses and without doing exercise… We will see if our belly grows up!

Eta noski, 24 orduak etxean pasatzen ditugunez eta borondate asko dugunez, etxeko-lanekin ere laguntzen dugu! (bueno, guraso eta irakasleek behartuta pixka bat, baina bagabiltza kolaboratzen!)

And of course as we have to stay 24 hours at home and we have a looooooooot of goodwill, we are helping with the housework!  (well, little forced by teachers and parents, but we are cooperating!)

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