Laugarren ikasturtean Iruñeko proiektuarekin ari gara lanean. Honen barruan, Iruñeko erraldoi ospetsuenak sortzen oinarritu dute ikasleek beren trebetasun guztia.

Gure erraldoiak marrazten eta koloreztatzen gozatu egin dugu. Proiektoreari eta ikaskideen trebetasunari esker erraldoi ederrak atera zaizkigu. Oso harro gaude zeinen ondo geratu zaizkigun ikusita.

Orain, ikastetxeko ikasle gehienekin partekatu ahal izateko helburuarekin, eskaileretako hormak hauekin apaintzea tokatzen zaigun unea ilusioz itxaroten gabiltza.

Haiek, buruhandiak ikusten guk margotzen gozatu genuen bezainbeste gozatzea gustatuko litzaiguke.

Txiki-txikitatik Iruñeko jaietako gure oroitzapen maitagarriak izan diren bezala, Joshemiguelerico, Josepamunda, Selim-pia Elcalzao, Larancha-la, Toko-toko, Braulia, Sidi abd El Mohame eta Esther Arata gure gelako pareten parte dira jada.

The giants of Pamplona

In fourth year we are working with the Pamplona project. As part of it, students have focused all their art on the realization of the famous giants of Pamplona.

We have enjoyed a lot drawing and coloring our giants. Thanks to the projector and the ability of our companions, beautiful giants have come out. We are absolutely proud of our smart giants.

Now we look forward to the moment when we have to decorate with them the walls of the stairs to be able to share them with the majority of the students of the school.

We would like them to enjoy watching them as much as we enjoy painting them.

oshemiguelerico, Josepamunda, Selim-pia Elcalzao, Larancha-la, Toko-toko, Braulia, Sidi abd El Mohame and Esther Arata are already part of our class walls, as from very small they have been our dear memories of the Pamplona festivities.

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