Joan den martxoaren 14an Espainiako gobernuak alarma egoera ezarri eta eskola presentzialak aldi baterako eten zituenean, inork ezin zuen imajinatu ikasturte honetan ikasgeletara itzuliko ez ginenik.

Garai hartan, ingelesezko antzerkiaz gozatzen ari ginen, eta bigarren hiruhilekoa amaitzen ari ginen. Gure kezkak Euguira joateko egunean egingo zuen eguraldiari buruzkoak edo  aitaren eguneko zubirako planei buruzkoak ziren bestalde Hondarribiako kanpamentuan astebete pasatzeko unea hurbiltzen ari zela somatzen genuen.

Zoritxarrez, pandemiaren tamaina hain handia izan zen, gobernuak eskolak hurrengo ikasturtera arte etetera behartuta ikusi zuela bere burua. Denbora horretan guztian, maisu-maistrek, ikasleek eta familiek irakasteko, ikasteko eta bateratzeko beste modu batera egokitu behar izan dugu, eta konturatu gara ezerk ezin duela irakaskuntza presentziala ordezkatu.

Gauza asko aldatu behar izan ziren; Pasearte birtuala izan zen, eta seigarren agurra bideokonferentzia bidez izango da,  ezin izan genuen talde kooperatiboetan lan egin, ezta zientzia-proiektuekin jarraitu ere, baina denok ikasi dugu zerbait. Maisuok ordenagailutik lan egitera egokitu gara, familiek beren esku zegoen guztia egin dute seme-alabek etxeko lan guztiak egin ahal izateko. Haurrek fitxategiak igotzen eta jaisten ikasi dute, mezu elektronikoak bidaltzen, Google drive erabiltzen, argazkiak egiten eta bideoak grabatzen, gero eransteko.

Zoritxarrez, Espainian dagoen eten digitalaz ere ohartu gara, eta horrek asko zaildu du familia batzuk hain ohiz kanpoko irakaskuntza-egoera horretara egokitu ahal izatea. Espero dezagun ikasgelak utzi behar ez izatea, baina hausnartu beharko genuke Interneterako sarbidearen garrantziaz, agian pertsona guztientzako oinarrizko eskubide bihurtu beharko litzatekeelako.

Ikasturte arraro hau amaitu egiten da, baina datorren ikasturtea guztiontzat normala izango delako ilusioarekin joango gara, horrek epidemia kontrolpean dagoela esan nahiko du,  eta ikasle guztientzako hezkuntza integrala eta berdintasunezkoa bermatuta dagoela


When the last 14th of March the Spanish government decreed the State of Alarm and suspended face-to-face school lessons, nobody could imagine that we will not be coming back to school during this academic year.

Back then we were enjoying English theatre plays at school, we were about to finish the second term and we just were concerned about the weather on the Eugui school trip day, the plans for the Father’s Day holidays and we were also looking forward to spending one week at Fuenterrabía camp.  

 Unfortunately, the sacale of such a big Pandemic forced the government to suspend school lessons until the next academic course.  During this period of time teachers, students and families have adapted to a new way of teaching, learning and familiy reconciliation and we have realised that nothing can replace face-to-face teaching.

Many things had to change, we had a virtual “Pasearte” and the year 6 farewell will be through videoconference. We had to stop working in cooperative groups and we could not finish the science projetcs but we all have learnt something. Teachers have learnt to work from their computers, families have done everything in their hands so their children could finish all their worksheets and students have learnt to upload and download files, send emails, use Google Drive and take photos and videos to be attached. 

Unfornumately we have also realised of the digital divide there is in Spain that has made very difficult for some families to adapt to this extarordinary teaching situation. Hopefully we will never have to leave the schools again but we should reflect about the importance of internet access and perhaps it should become a fundamental right for everyone.

This weird school year finishes but we expect next school year to be as normal as possible. That would mean that the epidepic is under control and that a well-rounded and equal education is guaranteed to all students.

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