Lehenengo mailako Dko gure ikasleek bi saio izan zituzten udaltzaingoarekin pasa den astean, bertan, bide publikoan modu egokian ibiltzeko hainbat estrategia ikasi eta bermatzeko aukera izan zuten.

Lehenengo saioan, bideo ugari ikusi zuten, seinale desberdinak ikasi eta horien aurrean nola jokatu behar den landuz, modu parte hartzaile eta aktiboan. Bigarren saioan berriz, aurreko sesioan ikasitakoa praktikan jartzeko aukera izan zuten.

Talde batek oinezkoen rola hartu zuen, eta horrekin batera udaltzaingoaren eginkizuna ere  bete ahal izan zuten, gidarien zein oinezkoen akatsak apuntatuz. Bitartean beste taldeak udaltzaingoek prestatutako bidea zeharkatuko zuen.

Esperientzia aberasgarria izan zen, ikasleek ikasteaz gain disfrutatzeko aukera izan baitzuten.


Last week our children from 1ºD had two sessions with the Municipal Police in order to work and consolidate their road safety knowledge.

At the first session, they saw a couple of videos and they worked participative and actively on the different traffic signs and how to react to them.

During the second session, they implement the contents learned at the first session. Half of the group walked around the circuit as pedestrians at the same time as they pretended to be police officers (they took notes of the mistakes made by other pedestrians and drivers) while others drove around using cycles or scooters, and vice versa.

It was a nice experience in which kids enjoyed and learned very much.

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