LH4ko ikasleek, gorputz jarreraren inguruko tailer batean parte hartu genuen.

Buztintxuriko osasunetxeko medikuek, osasuntsu mantentzeko, modu egokian elikatzeaz eta kirolaz praktikatzeaz gain, gorputz jarrera zaintzea ere oso garrantzitsua zela argitu ziguten.

Eskolan, adibidez, bizkarreko arazoak saihesteko, hainbat ariketa irakatsi ziguten, hamaika ordu jezarrita ematen baitugu. Aldi berean, zenbait egoeratan jarrera egokiak identifikatzeko ariketak egin genituen, halaber, jaikitzerakoan eguna egoki hasteko, gure giharrak prestatzeko ariketa batzuk irakatsi ziguten.

Oso tailer interesgarria iruditu zitzaigun, asko ikasi genuen eta. Hemendik aurrera geure gorputzako jarreraz askoz kontzienteagoak izango gara, ziur asko!


The students of 4th year of Primary Education have participated in a postural workshop.

Doctors from the health center of Buztintxuri came to the school and explained that, to keep us healthy, in addition to eating properly and exercising, it is very important to maintain a correct posture. This way we will avoid having back problems.

During the workshop, we carried out different activities in which we had to detect the correct posture in different situations of our daily lives. In addition, they taught us some exercises we can do when we wake up to stretch our muscles and prepare them to start the day.

We found it a very interesting workshop in which we learned a lot. From now on we are sure that we are more aware of our body posture.

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