Joan den astean, maiatzaren 2tik 6ra, LH5-eko ikasleak eta irakasleak “English Week” kanpamendura joan ginen. Han, ikasleek bost egunez gozatu ahal izan zuten ingelesez erabat murgilduta. Esperientzia oso aberasgarria eta atsegina izan zen; goizean, jatorrizko irakasleekin joaten ziren klasera, eta arratsaldean, jarduerak, jolasak eta dantzak egiten zituzten. Primeran pasa genuen eta asko gozatu genuen!

Last week, from the 2nd of May to the 6th, LH5 students and teachers attended the “English Week” camp where the students were able to enjoy a complete immersion in English for five days. The experience was very enriching and gratifying; in the morning they attended classes with native teachers, and in the afternoon they performed activities, games and dances. We had a great time and we enjoyed it so much!

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