Kaixo, Sofia naiz eta arraina naiz. Gaur egun, irakasle baten etxean bizi den arrain bat naiz, koronabirusa deitutako zerbaitek bere etxean sartarazi bainau.Baina nire bizitza ez da beti horrelakoa izan. Adi egon!

Jaio berria eta lau urtez, Amaia izeneko neska baten etxean bizi nintzen. Egun batean etxea aldatu nuen. Nire arrainontzi handiarekin eraikin handi batera eraman ninduten; poztasunez, giro onez eta, batez ere, neska-mutilez beteta. Nire kokapen berritik entzuten nituen elkarrizketetatik, nire egonaldia zoriontsu izateko ardura izanen zutela ondorioztatu nuen.

Azkar ikasi zuten eman behar zidaten arreta; janaria, garbitasuna eta noski, errespetu eta ardura handia. Goizero etortzen zen laguntxo bat nire arrantzontzira, (batzuetan bi izaten ziren, laguntza behar izanez gero) eta elikatzen ninduten. “Arduraduna” deitzen zioten. Hiru astean behin, haiek kalkulatuta 21 egun, nire akuarioa garbitzen zuten. Lana erreza ez denez, taldeko ahalegina izan da beti.

Lasaitasuna ematen nien arrainontzi inguruan egindako mugimendu dotore, leun eta sotilekin eta euren artelanerako eredua izan naiz.

Oso pozik egon naiz mugimenduak behatzen, denen bilakaera, baita haien zalaparta ere, plazer handia izan da.

Asteburuetan lasaitasuna berreskuratzen nuen, aldi baterako zela jakinda, astelehenean neska-mutilak desfilatzen hasiko baitziren nire ondoan.

Bat-batean, klasean, jendea gaixotzen zuen birusaz hasi ziren hitz egiten. Astelehenean, ohiko ahotsak eta agurrak espero nituen, baina hauek ez ziren etorri. Denbora pasatu zen eta irakaslea bakarrik etorri zen. Nire gauza guztiak hartuz, kotxera eraman ninduen eta handik bere etxera.

Hemen nago orain. Etxea ez da hain zalapartatsua. Spa batean nagoela ematen du. Ongi zaintzen naute baina niri zuek ematen didazuen martxara itzuli nahi dut. Laster izanen da. Bizi behar dugun horrekin gozatzen eta ikasten dugun bitartean.


 Hi! My name is Sofía, I´m four years old and I´m a fish. I´m a fish that is currently living in a teacher’s house because something called “coronavirus” has made me stay locked out at home with her. But my life hasn’t always been like this. Let’s go back in time.

Since I was born I lived in a house with a girl called Amaia. But, one day, my fish tank was moved on to a big building full of joy, with a friendly atmosphere and, specially, full of boys and girls. For what I could heard from my new location, I assumed they were going to be the ones who makes my life happier.

They quickly learnt how to take care of me: how to feed me, how to clean my fish tank and, of course, how to be loving and caring.  Every morning, a person who they called “teacher’s helper”, came to feed me on my fish tank. Also, every three weeks (or every 21 days calculated by them) they clean my aquarium. As this wasn’t easy, there was always teamwork. 

I brought them calm with my elegant and single movements around the fish tank and inspired them for they artwork. I have been very happy watching them, even their hustle and bustle has been a pleasure for me.

On weekends, I regained calm knowing it was temporary until they come back to school on Monday. Suddenly, they started talking about a virus that makes people ill. Last Monday, I was expecting the usual fuss and greetings I had in the morning but no one came. After a while, the teacher came, collected all my stuff and took me home with her. Now, here I am. This house is not as noisy as the class. It seems to me as if I were in a health resort. She take care of me but I really want to get back to they joy you give me. That will happen soon. In the meantime let’s enjoy and learn from the situation we are living. 

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