Azken egunotan, hainbat ekitaldiren bidez agurtu dugu 2021-2022 ikasturtea. Batetik, hain itxarondako “mangerada” eta, bestetik, patioko dantza. Bi egunetan primeran pasa dugu eta asko disfrutatu dugu, bai urarekin bai musikarekin.


Opor zoriontsuak opa dizkizuegu!



5. LHko ikasleek arrakastaz amaitu dute Iruñeko Udalak sustatutako “Bizikleta-eskola” proiektua. 2021/2022 ikasturteko irailean eta maiatzean egindako jarduerak izan dira. Lehenengo hiruhilekoan, bizikletak uzteko ikastaroa hasi zen. Ikastetxe gehiagok hartu zuten parte, eta bizikletaren mundura hurbiltzeko eta garraiobide iraunkor eta eraginkor gisa erabiltzeko abiapuntu gisa erabili zen. Matematikaren arloak proiektua osatu zuen, ikasleak eskolara nola joaten ziren aztertuz.

Eskolara bizikletaz joaten diren ikasleen 5. EP maila igo egin dela egiaztatu dugu, haien erabilera arduratsua sustatuz. Azken aste honetan, Iruñeko Udaleko teknikariek 5. LHko ikasleak hainbat arlotan trebatu dituzte, ikasleak txirrindularitza-mundu zoragarri horretara hurbiltzeko. Mekanika, bide-segurtasuna, bizikleta-aholkuak eta bizikleta erabiltzeko teknikak eta trebetasunak ikasi dituzte haurrek.

Datorren ikasturtean, ikastetxeko ikasle berriek bizikletaren mundura jende gehiago hurbiltzeko eta guztion artean garraio jasangarriagoa, seguruagoa eta eraginkorragoa lortzeko programa honekin jarraitzea nahiko genuke.



The 5th Primary students have successfully completed their “Biciescuela” project promoted by the Pamplona City Council and which has consisted of different activities carried out in the months of September and May of the 2021/2022 academic year. In the first term, the course began with a bike ride in which more schools participated and which served as a starting point to get closer to the world of the bicycle and its use as a sustainable and efficient means of transport. From the area of mathematics, the project was complemented by a study on how the different male and female students from school went to school.

We have verified that there has been an increase in the level of 5th EP of students who now go to school by bicycle, encouraging their responsible use. This last week, technicians from the Pamplona City Council have instructed the 5th Primary students in various subjects to finish bringing the students closer to this beautiful cycling world. The boys and girls have learned aspects of mechanics, road safety, cycling tips, as well as driving techniques and bicycle skills. We are looking forward to new students from the center next year continuing with this program that brings more people closer to the world of cycling and that we all achieve more sustainable, safe and efficient transport. 


For a world on wheels!


Eskolako txikionok ikasturte amaierako irteera egin dugu. Autobusa hartu eta Lezauneko paisai ederrak ezagutzera abiatu ginen Basabere baserri eskola eta erreabilitazio zentroa ikertzera. 

Eguna biribila izan zen!! Mota askotariko animaliak ikusi genituen, baina ikusi bakarrik ez baita ukitu eta laztandu ere!! Animalia askoren bizitza gordina ere kontatu ziguten bertako begiraleek eta argi geratu zitzaigun gure etxean ezin ditugula hainbat animalia eduki.Dudarik gabe, naturan eta libre bizi behar direla. 

Animaliekin gozatu, ikasi, sentitu, bizitu,ukitu, laztandu…ostean, bakoitzak bere ogitartekoa egin zuen, gazta zein txistorrarekin arratsaldean meriendatzeko!! 

Ondoren, bakoitzak bere bazkaria jan, jolastu.. eta eskolara itzuli ginen!! Emozio zein bizipenez beteriko eguna izan zen eta leher eginda heldu ginen eskolara lokuluxka autobusean eginez. Baina esnatu bezain laster bertan zeuden familiak gure zain.



The youngest children of the school have done the last excursion of this school year. We took the bus and went to visit the wonderful landscapes of Lezaun and we also visited the farm school of Basabere, which is also an animal rehabilitation center.

It was a great day! We saw a big variety of animals and we also touched and petted them. The people who take care of the center told us about some of the hard experiences that some of these animals had gone through. We clearly understood that there are animals that should not be kept in our homes. They should live in nature and in freedom.

We enjoyed ourselves with the animals, we felt, we lived, we touched them,… We also prepared a small sandwich, some with cheese and others with txistorra, for the afternoon snack. Later, we ate our lunch sandwich, we played,… and we went back to the bus! We took a short nap on the bus, as we were quite tired. As soon as we got back to the school, we woke up and there were our families waiting for us,