Bizi dugun egoera gogor eta berezi honi esker, gure 5. Mailako ikasleen artean, musikagile, gimnasta eta beren errezeta gozoak elkar banatzen dituzten sukaldari iaioak dauzkagula aditzen ari gara. Itzelezko aurkikuntza deritzogu!

Thanks to these special circumstances we are experiencing, we have discovered that our 5th grade classrooms are full of great music artists, authentic gymnasts and even great great chefswho share their rich recipes. It is being a discovery!

Hala ere dena ez da aisialdia…! Gogor lanean dihardugu! Astero ikasgai guztietako lanak egiten ditugu eta ostean, Drive-ra igotzen ditugu, gure irakasleek gure esfortzu eta lan gogorraren berri izan dezaten.

But … not everything is leisure … We keep working a lot! Weekly we make proposals for all subjects, which we upload to drive so that our teachers can see the effort and the great work we are doing.

Jarduera hauen artean, “paperezko bihotzak” ekimena burutu genuen. Bere helburua ospitaleratuta dauden umeei gure laguntasun eta babesa helaraztea zen eta horretarako gutun eta marrazkiak bidali genituen. Oso aberasgarria izan zen!

One of those proposals was to participate in the “paper hearts” initiative. Through this initiative we were able to reach out to children who are admitted to hospitals with our messages of support and encouragement in the form of letters and drawings. It was a very cool experience!


Gaur konfinamenduko zazpigarren asteari ekingo diogu. Oso pozik gaude aste honetan kalera irten gaitezkeelako. Baina aitatxoek eta amatxoek esan dizkiguten arauak betez!

Astelehenero eta ostegunero bideo-dei bat egiten dugu, elkar ikusteko, denok ondo gaudela jakiteko, astean zehar egin behar ditugun lanak azaltzeko.

Astelehen honetan oso zirraragarria izan da gure lehen irteera kontatzea. Bideo-deian kontatu dugu zer egin dugun salidita txiki honetan (patinekin ibili, bizikletarekin ibili). Baina, era berean, gogorarazi dugu arauak bete behar ditugula (heldu bat gehienez hiru haurrekin, 1 metroko segurtasuna, ordubete kalean, kaleko objekturik ez ukitzea).

PaseArte prestatzen ere hasi gara. Aurtengoa desberdina izango da, ezin izango baitugu aurreko urteetan egin ohi genuen erakusketa egin. Baina aurten, online PaseArte bat egingo dugu.

Animaliak lantzen ari garela aprobetxatuz, PaseArte online sarean aurkeztuko dugun proposamena animaliekin lotuta egongo da.

Ikusten duzuenez, artista handiak ditugu gelan!


We reach the seventh week staying at home. We are very happy because we are allowed to go out to street. But we have to observe the rules!

Every Monday and Thursday we have have a video call to see each other, to know everybody is fine, to explain the works to do along the week.

This Monday was thrilling to speak about our first walk out. At the video call we told others what we did at the outing ( skate, ride a bike). But we also recalled the rules (maximum one adult with three children, 1 metre security distance, one hour, do not touch object along the street).

We also began preparing PaseArte. This year’s exposition will be different because we cannot do the same as other years. We will have an online PaseArte exhibition.

As we are learning about animals, we will show works related to that topic on PaseArte online exposition.

As you can see, there are many artists in this class!!!


4 urte D gelako lagunek, haien etxeetatik liburuaren nazioarteko eguna ospatu nahi izan dute. Horretarako, ikasle bakoitzak gehien gustatzen zaion ipuiarekin argazki bat egin dute.

We have celebrated the Book Day!

We have shared with our friends some nice photos. We have chosen our favourite books.


Malala Yousafzai


Neil Gaiman

Ipuin bat entzuteak mundu berri batera bidaiatzera eramaten gaitu….

….. bidaia zoragarriak opa dizkizuegu.


2.A-ko ikasleak, etxean egon arren, lanean jarraitzen dugu. Arlo guztiak lan egiten dugu eta horretaz gain, esperimentuak eta erronka ezberdinak egiten ditugu (saiatzen gara, behintzat…). Eskolan geundenean, Arte txokoari dagokion garrantzia ematen genion, baina konfinamendu honetan Arteak garrantzi berezia hartu du.

Izan ere, triste bagara, Artea gai da gure gogo-aldartea aldatzeko, baita gure estresa gutxitzeko ere. Azken batean, Arteak hobeki sentiarazten digu. Horregatik, egun hauetan etxean egindako artelanak zuekin konpartitu nahi dugu.

2.A students, despite of being at home, we continue working. As in the school, we work in all areas and we carry out different experiments and challenges. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail.  When we were in school, we gave importance to the Art Corner, but in this confinement art has taken on special importance.

In fact, if we are sad, art is able to change our mood, as well as reduce our stress. Art makes us feel better. That’s why we want to share with you our home-made artworks. 


Hilabete igaro da berrogeialdia hasi zenetik eta gure ikastetxean bizitako azken eguna gogoratu nahi dugu. Ez zen egun arrunta izan, izan ere, martxoaren 12an, osteguna, lehen hezkuntzako ikasle guztiek ingelesez gozatu ahal izan zuten hainbat antzerki ikuskizunekin.

Horretarako, aurreko arratsaldean, maila bakoitzak gela bat egokitu eta antolatu zuen bertan ikuskizuna egin ahal izateko: Metro batzuk libre utzi genituen ikuskizunak antzezteko. Hiru aulki ilara jarri genituen eta mahaiak ikasgelaren atzealdean jarri genituen.

6. mailako ikasle guztiak 6.C gelan elkartu ginen. Batzuk aulkietan eseri ginen eta besteak mahaietan. Goizean zehar, hogei minutu inguruko bost ikuskizun desberdin antzeztu zituzten hainbat aktorek. Ikuskizunak askotarikoak izan ziren: musikalak, txinatar itzalak eta magia ikuskizunak. Antzezpen horietan parte hartu genuen eta lagundu ahal izan genuen, ikuskizunetako protagonistak bihurtuz.

Goiz desberdina izan zen eta denok gozatu ahal izan genuen. Datorren urteari begira ikastetxeak esperientzia errepikatzea proposatzen dugu eta helduagoentzako “Scape Room” gehitzea!

It has been more than a month since the beginning ofthe quarantine and we would like to remember our last day at school. It was not a usual day because on the 12th of March all primary students could enjoy a series of shows in English during the morning.

Every level had to organise the classrooms the previous afternoon so groups of almost sixty students could fit in each class. We left some room for the shows performances, then we placed three rows of chairs and finally we placed the tables at the back of the class.

All year six students gathered together in the 6C class, some of us sat on the chairs and others sat on the tables. There were actors and actresses coming into our class to perform twenty-minute-shows throughout the morning. The shows were all different since we could watch musicals, magic shows and Chinese Shadows. We were not just spectators because we could participate and become actors and actresses too.

It happend to be a totally different and new morming in which everybody could enjoy. We hope the school can hire this company next year and, if the older kids are lucky, they may ¡participate in a Scape Room too!.


Dagoeneko etxean egon behar dugun seigarren astean sartu gara eta horren ondorioz, 2.B mailan etxetik lanean ari gara. Astez aste proposamen berriak egiten ditugu eta horietako bat oso interesgarria egiten ari zaiguna galaxien proiektua da. Bai, galaxia eta planeten munduan murgiltzen ari gara aste hauetan zehar, astez aste bidai berriak eta desberdinak eginez.

Horretarako lehendabizi gure suziriak prestatu genituen espaziora behar bezala iristeko. Baina gure suziriak zerekin egingo zuen topo? Nondik ibiliko ginen? Hasi aurretik hainbat galdera egin genizkion gure buruari eta jarraian lanean hasi ginen gogor. Horretarako lehendabizi Ene Kantakeko abesti batekin planetak ikasi genituen ordena errespetatuz.

Beraz, orain arte eguzki sistema bere osotasunean aztertu dugu eta eguzkiaren eta ilargiaren gauza bitxi batzuk ikasi ditugu. Esaterako, eguzkia orain dela zenbat urte sortu zen ikasi dugu, zenbateko bizialdia duen etab. Ilargiari dagokionez, ea zergatik ikusten dugun forma desberdinekin aztertu dugu, faseak ikertuz.

Baina gure planeta eta galaxien arteko bidaiak aurrera jarraitzen du, geldialdi desberdinak eginez eta hurrengo geltokira iritsi gara, Lurrera hain zuzen eta ea zer ikasten dugun.

We have reached the sixth week staying at home so 2.B students are learning from our homes. Every week we work on new proposals among which one of the most interesting is the project about galaxies. Yes, for last weeks we buried ourselves in the world of the galaxy and planets, going along different trips week by week. 

First step was to create our own rockets to reach space properly. But what would our rocket find? Where would we travel through? We asked ourselves many questions before starting and immediately after we started working hard. Therefore, we learned the planets’ names in their order singing Ene Kantak song. 

 For that reason, we have analysed the whole solar system and learned curious information about the sun and the moon. We have learned, for example, how long ago the sun was created, its estimated lifetime and so on. Concerning the moon, we analysed why do we see it having different shapes, learning about its phases. 

But our trip around planets and galaxies still continues, having several stops and arriving to the next one: the Earth. Let’s see what we learn about it. 


Haur Hezkuntzako irakasleek ikasleei animoak bidaltzeko bideo bat egin dute.

Gustoko izatea espero dugu…


Your 3, 4 and 5 years old teachers have made a video to make yo smile.

We hope you enjoy watching it.


5. Mailako ikasleek, otsail osoan zehar, jarduera polit eta aberasgarri bat landuz, fruitu arbolak landatu dituzte ikastetxean.

Jarduera hau garatzeko hainbat pertsona zein taldek parte hartu dute. Alde batetik, ikastetxeko baratze lan-taldeak eta eskola solidarioen komisioak jardueraren antolaketa aurrera eraman dute; beste alde batetik, Lantxotegi elkarteak eta ikasleen guraso elkarteak proiektua burutzen lagundu dute, noski, ikastetxeko ikasle guztien parte hartzearekin.

Zuhaitzen landaketan hasi aurretik, gaiaren inguruko lanketa prozesu bat egin genuen. Zein zuhaitz mota, zein urtaro, gure ingurumeneko lurraren ezaugarriak, landaketa prozesurako lurra nola landu eta baita landatu ondorengo hazteko kontuan eduki beharreko irizpideak aztertu genituen. Ikerketa lanaren ostean, taldeka, beharrezko materiala elkarbanatu genuen eta guztion artean idatziz azaldu genuen.

Fruitu arbolen garapenerako teoria landuta, prozesuarekin bete betean hasi ginen. Behin gurasoen laguntzaz lurrean zuloak eginda geneuzkala, 5. mailako gela ezberdinetako ikasle guztiek, beti ere Lantxoteki elkarteko partaideen laguntzarekin, zuhaitzak landatu genituen.

Ariketa oso dibertigarri eta era berean aberasgarria izan zen. Gelan landutako ideiak praktikan jarri genituen, guztiontzako jarduera oso gozagarria izan zelarik. Gure gizartean naturak duen garrantziari balioa emanez, zuhaitzen landatzea beti berri ona dela argi ikusi genuen.

Hemendik aurrera, pandemia egoeran bizi dugun egoera garratza kontuan edukiz, honek aukera ematen digun ahala, zuhaitzak zaintzeko eta urtaroen aldaketarekin jasaten dituzten aldaketak aztertzen jarraituko dugu.


The Year 5 students have been participating in a very beautiful activity about planting trees at school during February.

            A lot of people and collectives have been participating in this activity, the Solidary Schools and the Garden Commisions who organised this activity, the students families,  the Lantxitegui Association and of course, the school chlidren.

            Before starting to plant the trees, the children carried out a group investigation about trees: what were the best trees to plant, what was the best time to plant them, how the soil should be, how to make the hole, how to plant the tree and how look after them once planted. After the investigation, the groups discussed and filled in a paper answering all these issues.

            After having learnt the theory about fruit tree planting it was time to get on with it. Little by little and in groups, all year 5 students went to plant a tree in the wholes made by children relatives volunteers and with the help of some Lantxotegui students.

            We all enjoyed this activity so much .We put into practice all the knowledge learnt in class carrying out a very enternatining and useful activity becouse planting a tree is always good news.

            From now on, and when this worldwide pandemic that is challenging the whole humanity, gives us a break, it will be time to take care of the trees and observe the their changes throughout the seasons.


Gaur 3. Etxeko astea hastera goaz, baina, etxean bagaude ere ez pentsa lanik egiten ez dugunik!

Astean zehar ikasgai bakoitzeko lana egiten ari gara driven bitartez eta asko gustatzen ari zaizkigu “proiektutxoak” egitea. Bertan, hainbat jarduera xelebre egin ditugu, horien artean, poltsa hautsitik erortzen ez den ura, flotatzen duten arrautzena edo aztikeriazko mezu ikusezina. Harry Potterreko kuxkuxean ibiltzeko mapa bezalakoa!

Proiektu horiek egin ondoren, gure burua bideoz grabatu dugu egindakoa azalduz. Nahiz eta kamera aurrean nahiko urduri jarri garen primeran azaldu ditugu egin beharreko pausoak, beharrezkoa dugun materiala eta emaitza.

Beste alde batetik, driven, “opari politak” izeneko karpeta sortu dugu. Bertan, gure artean bideoak, argazkiak, ipuinak… trukatzen ditugu eta gelan hainbat artista ditugula ikusi izan dugu.

Espero dugu eskolako ikasleak primeran egotea eta lehen bait lehen patioan elkar ikustea!

This is our third week at home, which does not mean we do not work!!!

We work on different school subjects through drive during week days and we enjoy a lot “little projects”. Among them, we have done some witty ones such as not falling water in a broken bag, floating eggs or invisible magical message, same as Harry Potter’s snooper’s map! 

After doing those projects, we recorded ourselves explaining what we had done. Although we got very nervous in front of a camera, we explained really well the materials that are necessary, steps to follow and results. 

Apart from that, we created a folder named “Opari politak” (lovely presents), to share videos, photos, stories… and we realised there are several artists in our class. 

We wish and hope all students from school are doing well and we will all be able to play in the playground very soon.


Sistema bat osatzen duten kolore guztiak lortzeko nahasten diren oinarrizko koloreak (cyan, magenta, horia), normalean hiru izaten direnak. Primarioak ez diren kolore guztiakprimario bi edo gehiago nahastuta lortzen dira.

Esperimentuaren bidez frogatu genuen, aurreko, teoria eta denbora berean sentitu eta oso ongi pasatu ere.


Usually comprised by three tones (cyan, magenta and yellow), these primary colors can be used to create all the rest of the colors. Any other color that we know will be created by mixing two or more of these primary tones.

Primary color: color that cannot be obtained by the mix of any other, therefore, they are considered as absolute and unique. There are three: cyan, magenta and yellow, and by mixing pigments of these, we are capable of obtaining all of the rest of colors.

Through the experiment we were able to prove the theory above, while having fun and enjoying all together. We did experiment, felt and had so much fun with our bodies in order to prove the theory of color.