Elkarrekin egon, jolastu, ukitu… ezin dugun garai honetan, gure oihuarekin gelako sarea eraiki dugu.

BAI, elkarrekin gaude garai hau bizitzen, gure bizitzarako berezia izango den une hau.

Horretarako, gelako haur bakoitzak lagun baten izena oihukatu du SARE bat eraikiz. Horrela, gure arteko binkuloa eta talde izaera indartuz. Guztiok gara beharrezkoak eta guztion indarrak batu ditugu.

Gure elkartasuna guztia helarazi nahi dugu, elkarrekin aurrera egingo baitugu, ELKARREKIN INDARTSUAGOAK GARA!

Pasearte… Here it is!

In this moments that we cannot be with our friends, or play together, or touch each other … we have built a network shouting our names from window to window.

We are living this significant and exceptional situation that we will never forget.

For creating our network, each kid shouted the name of a classmate. Through this experience we have strengthened the bond and the group identity. We are all essential and we are together in the fight against the Covid-19!

We want to transmit our solidarity.


LH 3. C

Bi hilabete daramatzagu eskolara joan gabe. Bi hilabete lagunekin patioan jolastu gabe. Bi hilabete asanbladarik gabe.

Two months without school, without playing with friends, without assembly…

Baina horrek ez du esan nahi gustura ez gaudenik! Bi hilabete daramatzagu etxean familiakoekin. Bi hilabete etxekoekin jolasten. Bi hilabete bideodeiak egiten.

But it doesn´t mean that we aren´t having fun: Two months at home with our family, playing with them, making videocalls…

Gauza batzuk asko aldatu dira, beste batzuk ez hainbeste, begira, begira!

Some things have changed, others not to much, look, look!

Etxeko egonaldi on guztioi!!!


Datorren ostiralean, maiatzak 15, PaseArte ospatuko dugu. Aurten bisita birtuala antolatu dugu gure ikasleek egindako lan artistiko eta plastikoak ikusi ahal izateko. Disfrutatu eta ongi pasa!!


Konfinamendu egun hauetan, 6. E mailako ikasleok, neguk ojaialdian denok batera bizi izan genuen eguna gogoratu dugu.

Pintxo lehiaketaren irabazleak izan ginen eta sari gisa zine sarrera bat lortu genuen doan clase guztiarentzat.

Lehenengo, asanblada batean denok elkarrekin zein pelikula ikusi nahi genuen, nola elkartuko ginen eta zineman zer jango genuen erabaki genuen.

Otsailaren 28an iritsi zen eta irrikan geunden. Klaseko gehienak “La Morea” merkataritza-gunera joanginen Dolittle doktorearen abenturak ikustera.

Oso arratsalde dibertigarria izan zen. Elkarrekin gozatu ahal izan genuen eskolaz kanpo, eta, jakina, gogoan izango dugu beti Lehen Hezkuntzako azken urtean pintxo lehiaketaren irabazleak izan ginela.

In these days of confinement, the students from 6th E grade have been remembering a very special day that we all lived together.

The last winter festival, we were the winners of the pintxos contest, and as a prize we got a free movie ticket for the entire class.

First in an assembly, we all decided together which movie we wanted to watch, how we were going to meet and what we could eat inside the cinema.

On February 28th, the long-awaited day arrived and most of the class went to the shopping center of “La Morea” to watch“The adventures of Doctor Dolittle”.

It was a very funny afternoon that we could enjoy together outside of class, and of course the fact of being the winners of the pintxos contest in our last year at school, will always be in our memories.


Dakizuen bezala, martxoaren 13 tik ez gara eskolara joan. Koronabirusa dela eta, ezin gara lagun, gelakide eta irakasleekin egon. Baina talde bat izaten jarraitzen dugu eta hori ez dugu ahazten.

zaki sozialak gara, ohiko egoeretan talde baten partaide sentitzeak segurtasuna ematen digu eta horrelako egoera zail, arraro eta garratz batean are gehiago. Gelakideak ikusi genituen azkeneko alditik 52 egun igaro dira, 53 batzuentzako, eta egun guzti hauetan milaka gauza sentitu ditugu:

Senideekin egoteko denbora gehiago izateagatik poza, lagunekin egoteko aukerarik ez izateagatik tristura, koronabirusagatik beldurra, lehen haserretzen ez gintuzten txorakeriengatik amorrua, atera ezin ginelako urduritasuna, berriro ere ateratzen utzi digutenean nahasketa….

Bizipen guzti hauei nolabait egin behar zaie aurre, talde bat izaten jarraituz eta norberaren emozioak kudeatuz besteak beste. Horretarako 3 urteko geletan proposamen asko eraman ditugu aurrera, baina jarraian soilik 2 aipatu eta laburtuko dizkizuegu:

DEIAK: haur batzuk lotsatzen diren arren, beste batzuk irakaslearekin kontaktuan jartzeko desiotan daude. Gauza asko kontatzen dizkigute eta lagunen berri entzuteak sekulako ilusioa egiten die.

ETXEALDIAREN FILMA: taldeko partaide sentitzearekin lotuta dago baita ere. Bideo labur bat osatu dugu zeinetan gelakide guztiak azaltzen diren. Hauek soilik agurtzen, korrika egiten, jolasten, sukaldatzen… agertzen dira eta horrela gelakideek elkar ikusi dezakete.


As you already know, we haven’t gone to the school since the 13th of MarCH. Due to the Coronavirus, we cannot be neither with our schoolmates or teachers, nor with our friends. Even though, we are still a team … We shouldn’t forget it!

We are social beings. Feeling part of a group makes us feel calm and relax. Especially in difficult and weird situations like the one we are living because of the Coronavirus. 

It has been 52-53 days since we saw our classmates for the last time. During the stay at home, we have dealt with our different feelings:

Happiness of enjoying more time with our families. Sadness of can’t spend time with our friends. Fear because of the virus. We have felt anger with things that in other situations wouldn’t make us feel angry. We’ve also felt anxious because we wanted to go out but it wasn’t allowed. 

Feeling part of a group or trying to control our feelings may help us to face all these new hard new experiences. 

With this objective, in our class, we have done many proposals. Here you are 2 examples:

  • PHONE CALLS: While some kids feel embarrassed, others feel grateful of hearing from their teachers. They are telling  us lots of things and they are asking about their friends too. 
  • QUARANTINE’S FILM: It is also related to feeling part of the group. We have made a short video in which all the classmates appear. They appear saying something, running, playing, cooking… So the classmates can see each other.

In short, we are at home but we are still a group! Although we cannot be together, we know that we will see each other, we will meet again.


Gaur, 8 aste egiten ditugu etxeans artuta, baina gutxinaka bagoaz aurrera, paseatzera eta jolastera ateratzeko aukera baitugu! 8 astehauetan, nahiz eta 2.maila C-ko ikasleak batera ez egon, lanean jarraitu dugu.

Arteko lanak asko gustatu zaizkigu eta gustura aritu gara proposamenak egiten. Etxean ez dugu eskolan ditugun material guztiak, baina buruari eragin diogu eta etxean dugunarekin gure artelanak aurrera eraman ditugu. Egiten gabiltzan proiektua Galaxiari buruzkoa da eta artelan dexente horren inguruan burutu ditugu. Esaterako, espaziora bidaiatzek osuziria, mundua eta eguzki sistema.

Today we reach the 8th week staying at home, but we progress Little by little, as we are allowed  to go for a walk and play outside! During these 8 weeks, even if  2C  classmates are not together, we continued working.

We loved art works a lot and we enjoyed working on our proposals. At home we do not have all the materials as at school, but we boosted our minds and carried out our art Works with what we found at home. The Project on which we are working is about Galaxies and most of the art works are related to it. For example, a rocket to travel to space, the Earth and the Solar System.