Gelan talde jolasak egiten oso ongi pasatzen dugu. “Xagu txiki, xagu maite”, “gora begira” eta “zubiri zubiri” jolasak ikasi ditugu. Gurekin jolastu nahi baldin baduzue, patio garaian elkarrekin jolastu dezakegu, baita etxean anai arreba eta gurasoekin ere. Ikusiko duzue, zein ongi pasatzen dugun. Anima zaitezte!!!

We have fun playing some cooperative games, such as “xagu txiki, xagu maite”, “ gora begira”, “zubiri zubiri”. If you want to play with us, let’s play together at the playground!

We can also play at home with our siblings or parents.


Ikasturte honetan zehar 1.mailako ikasleok baratza landu, uztatu, zaindu eta ureztatzeko ardura izanen dugu.

Hori dela eta, azken aste hauetan hasi gara lanean, gogotsu, ilusioz eta jarrera onez. Baratzera jaitsi gara eta bertan tipulak landatu eta baratxuriak erein egin ditugu.

Zoragarria izan da haziak oso ezberdinak direla ohartzeaz eta landu edo erein, urteko zenbait garaietan egiten dela. Baita barazkiak, lurra, ura, eguzkia eta guk egiten dugun konpost-az gain beste nolabaiteko beharrean daudela ere, ilargialdiak beste hainbeste.

Landaketan eta uzta biltzearen prozesu honetan sutsuki ari gara konprometitzen, gu geu protagonistak baikara.

Gure jardueraren berri izanen duzue aurrerantzean.

LHko 1.Dko ikasleak

This course the pupils of 1st Primary Education will be responsible for planting and watering the garden, so that when the summer season arrives we will reap the fruits of such a hard work.

That is why, in these last weeks we we went to the garden full enthusiasm to plant onions and garlics.

It was very exciting to discover that each seed is different, and that each fruit needs to be sown at a different time of the year. In addition, we learnt that apart from needing soil, water, sun and our well-prepared compost, other factors such as the lunar cycle are important too.

We are actively engaging in planting, and we live every moment and every experience with eagerness because we are the protagonists of the process,and in charge of the fact that in the summer months, we will enjoy some wonderful vegetables in the courtyard of our school.

We will keep you informed of the evolution of our vegetables.

1st D pupils


Zein liburu gustatzen zaizkigu gehien?, zeinek dute onarpen gutxien?, Zer liburu pasatzen dira atsekaberik eta loriarik gabe?… Hori zen 4. mailan galdetzen genuena. Baina hiruhileko honetatik aurrera, zalantza horiek ez dira erantzunik gabe geratuko, ikasgelan “IRAKURTZEN DUT ETA IRITZI BAT BADUT” izeneko atala asmatu baitugu.

Irakurtzeko ohitura sustatu nahi dugu eta hau, txikitatik landu behar den zerbait da behar bezala garatzeko. Egunean liburu bateko orrialde batzuk irakurtzeko gai bagara, hiztegi zabalagoa izango dugu eta bizkortasun mental handiagoa.

Baina ez hori bakarrik; honekin batera interpretazio, arrazoibide eta pentsamendu kritikorako gaitasuna garatuko dugu.

Liburuak sailkatzeko semaforoaren koloreak dituzten zinta batzuk erabiiko ditugu eta horietan gure iritzia idatziko dugu. Gorriak, liburua gustuko izan ez dugula adieraziko du. Horiak, liburua erdipurdikoa iruditu zaigula adieraziko du eta bukatzeko berdeak, izugarri gustatu zaigula adieraziko du.

Gainera, lankide guztien iritziak eta ikuspuntuak errespetatuko ditugu.

Asko gustatzen zaigun txokoa da hau, eta gainera bikain geratzen da ikasgelan!!!!

Ranking of books in 4th grade!!!!

What kind of books do we like the most? Which do we not like? Which ones pass unnoticed? That’s what we were wondering in 4th grade. But from now on, those unknowns will have an answer! We have created a place in our classroom called: “ I read and I think”.

It is about promoting reading habits, that it’s an excellent method of development and learning. As is known, if we are able to read a few pages of a book every day, we will increase our vocabulary and our mental agility.

In addition, it is a great way to improve our interpretation, our thinking and our critical thinking.

For this we use some ribbons with traffic light colours and then we write our opinion in them. The red ribbon means that we didn’t like the book, the green one means that we’ve loved it, and the yellow ribbon means that we’ve liked it but not too much.

We also respect the points of view of all our classmates.

We love this corner and it looks really good!


Abendu honetan pasabidea dekoratzea tokatu zaigu. Hortarako aste batzuen zehar proposamen baten inguruan aritu gara.

Proposamen honi esker, teknika desberdinak probatu ditugu eta material eta tresna desberdinekin esperimentatu dugu.


Next December, a main school hall will be decorated by the “threeyears-old classes” . After trying different plastic techniques wedecided to use colored paperboard with paper pieces. It is reallyfun!!

Our artworks will be exposed from next wednesday 4th of December to Christmas Holidays, you are invited to visit the exposition!


Azaroaren 27an unibertsitateko bi ikasle etorri dira 4-c gelara guri gauza berriak irakasteko. Bi ikasle hauen izenak hauek ziren: Irune eta Izargi. 19 eta 18 urte dituzte, Errotxapean bizi dira eta Bernat Etxeparen ikasi zuten

Iruñeko proiektua egiten ari garenez, ekarri dituzte Iruñean dauden animalien inguruko jarduerak, animali-bingoa, buruketak eta denbora pasak. Oso gustora egon gara denok eta oso jatorrak iruditu zaizkigu. Gustatuko litzaiguke berriz etortzea gurekin.

November 27th two girls have came from the University to our class 4-c to teach us new things. The names are: Irune and Izargi. They are nineteen and eighteen years old. They both live in Errotxapea and they have studied in Bernart Etxepare.

As we are doing the project of Iruña they have given with information of the animals of Iruña, an animal bingo, maths problems and pastimes. We have been very happy and there were very kind. We would like that they come another day to pass the day with us.