Duela bi aste 2º mailako ikasleak Ollora joan ginen kanpaldira. Oso ongi pasatu genuen bertan.
Kanpaldian ekintza ezberdinak egin genituen. Interesgarriena bertako animaliak ikustea izan zen: Zaldiak, astoak, txerriak, olioak, etb.
Horrez gain, basora ere joan ginen eta bertan jolas asko egin genituen naturarekin eta landareekin lotutakoak. Oso esperientzia polita izan zen guretzat eta beste ikasleei ere gomendatzen diegu esperientzi hau.
Two week ago, the
children from 2nd D,
E and F went to Ollo Camp. We had a very good time there.
the camp we did a lot of different activities. One of the most
interesting one it was the walk though the farm. In where we saw a
lot of farm animals, such us, horses, pigs, chickens and donkeys.
from the farm, we also have a walk though the forest where we play a
lot of games and we learn about the nature and medicine plants. Also
we did a lot of games and fun activities like disco.
had a very good time there and we recommend the camp for future kids.