3. mailako ikasleak “Auzoko Proiektua” egiten ari gara eta jardueretako bat egitean galdera hauek sortu ziren:

zein auzotan dago ikastetxea?, beste auzo batzuk gertu al daude?, zer daukat inguruan?…

Hori dela eta, iparrorratza erabiltzen ikastea eta puntu kardinalak ezagutzea erabaki genuen. Taldeka atera ginen patiora, eta iparrorratzari esker honako leku hauek kokatu genituen: Buztintxuriko haur eskola, Decathlon, Ezkaba mendia , Refena eta tren geltokia.

Ondoren, “Haizeen arrosa” marraztu genuen. Antzinako nabigatzaileek belaontzietan erabiltzen zuten, haientzat oso garrantzitsua baitzen haizearen norabidea ezagutzea.

The students of third level are doing the project about our neighbourhood and during the process we came up with some questions: What neighbourhood is the school located in? What other neighbourhoods is it surrounded by? What facilities do we have?

To solve our dudes, we got to work and we decided to start learning how to use the compass and the cardinal points.

We went out to the playground and using the compass we located places like Buztintxuri Kindergarten, Decathlon, San Cristobals mountain, Refena or the train station.

After that, we drew the “Wind rose”, called like this because the first sailors used it in their sailboats to know the wind direction.

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