Lehenengo mailan urte berria eta 2. hiruhilabetearekin batera berriak izan ditugu .Urtarrilak 13tik aurrera astelehenero hamaiketakoan ogia ere daukagu!

Orain arte fruta jaten genuen , eta gustora egiten genuen , baino gogotsu hartu dugu ogia ere jatea. Gainera , modu honetan , autonomia gehiago lantzen dugu, eguneko arduradunak beheko solairura ogia eske joan behar du eta honen erregistroa egin behar baitu.

Modu berean , astero egiten dugun fruta erosketan , ogiarekin ere jateko osagaiak pentsatu beharko ditugu. baino osasungarriak izatea saiatuko gara, ahal den azukre gutxien izaten !

The new year and the second term have brought us great news in 1st of Primary. From January the 13th and every following Monday of the course … We also have bread for snack!!

So far, we have had fruit for snack and we loved it, but we have welcomed the incorporation of bread. In addition, we continue to expand and strengthen our autonomy, since, to take the bread, the kids in charge of the snack that day have to go downstairs to pick the bread up and register it.

Also, when we go to the supermarket, we will have to think and add ingredients to accompany the bread. Of course, we will try to contain as little sugar as possible to be beneficial for our health!

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