Gaur 3. Etxeko astea hastera goaz, baina, etxean bagaude ere ez pentsa lanik egiten ez dugunik!

Astean zehar ikasgai bakoitzeko lana egiten ari gara driven bitartez eta asko gustatzen ari zaizkigu “proiektutxoak” egitea. Bertan, hainbat jarduera xelebre egin ditugu, horien artean, poltsa hautsitik erortzen ez den ura, flotatzen duten arrautzena edo aztikeriazko mezu ikusezina. Harry Potterreko kuxkuxean ibiltzeko mapa bezalakoa!

Proiektu horiek egin ondoren, gure burua bideoz grabatu dugu egindakoa azalduz. Nahiz eta kamera aurrean nahiko urduri jarri garen primeran azaldu ditugu egin beharreko pausoak, beharrezkoa dugun materiala eta emaitza.

Beste alde batetik, driven, “opari politak” izeneko karpeta sortu dugu. Bertan, gure artean bideoak, argazkiak, ipuinak… trukatzen ditugu eta gelan hainbat artista ditugula ikusi izan dugu.

Espero dugu eskolako ikasleak primeran egotea eta lehen bait lehen patioan elkar ikustea!

This is our third week at home, which does not mean we do not work!!!

We work on different school subjects through drive during week days and we enjoy a lot “little projects”. Among them, we have done some witty ones such as not falling water in a broken bag, floating eggs or invisible magical message, same as Harry Potter’s snooper’s map! 

After doing those projects, we recorded ourselves explaining what we had done. Although we got very nervous in front of a camera, we explained really well the materials that are necessary, steps to follow and results. 

Apart from that, we created a folder named “Opari politak” (lovely presents), to share videos, photos, stories… and we realised there are several artists in our class. 

We wish and hope all students from school are doing well and we will all be able to play in the playground very soon.

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