Gaur konfinamenduko zazpigarren asteari ekingo diogu. Oso pozik gaude aste honetan kalera irten gaitezkeelako. Baina aitatxoek eta amatxoek esan dizkiguten arauak betez!

Astelehenero eta ostegunero bideo-dei bat egiten dugu, elkar ikusteko, denok ondo gaudela jakiteko, astean zehar egin behar ditugun lanak azaltzeko.

Astelehen honetan oso zirraragarria izan da gure lehen irteera kontatzea. Bideo-deian kontatu dugu zer egin dugun salidita txiki honetan (patinekin ibili, bizikletarekin ibili). Baina, era berean, gogorarazi dugu arauak bete behar ditugula (heldu bat gehienez hiru haurrekin, 1 metroko segurtasuna, ordubete kalean, kaleko objekturik ez ukitzea).

PaseArte prestatzen ere hasi gara. Aurtengoa desberdina izango da, ezin izango baitugu aurreko urteetan egin ohi genuen erakusketa egin. Baina aurten, online PaseArte bat egingo dugu.

Animaliak lantzen ari garela aprobetxatuz, PaseArte online sarean aurkeztuko dugun proposamena animaliekin lotuta egongo da.

Ikusten duzuenez, artista handiak ditugu gelan!


We reach the seventh week staying at home. We are very happy because we are allowed to go out to street. But we have to observe the rules!

Every Monday and Thursday we have have a video call to see each other, to know everybody is fine, to explain the works to do along the week.

This Monday was thrilling to speak about our first walk out. At the video call we told others what we did at the outing ( skate, ride a bike). But we also recalled the rules (maximum one adult with three children, 1 metre security distance, one hour, do not touch object along the street).

We also began preparing PaseArte. This year’s exposition will be different because we cannot do the same as other years. We will have an online PaseArte exhibition.

As we are learning about animals, we will show works related to that topic on PaseArte online exposition.

As you can see, there are many artists in this class!!!

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