Lehen hezkuntza 2ºD, 2ºE y 2ºF geletan, Australian gertatzen ari den egoera bortitzarekiko interesa piztu zaigu. Bertan bizi diren animaliei nola lagundu ari gara ikertzen, zehazki koalei, suaren biktima nagusiei. Animalia hauei lagundu ahal izateko, lehenago ezagutu egin behar ditugu, eta horretarako, animalia maitakor hauei buruz irakurtzen eta ikertzen ari gara.

2ºD, 2ºE and 2ºF we have become interested in the very extreme situation that is being lived in Australia. We are investigating how to help the animals that lived there, especially the koalas, one of the main victims of the fires. In order to help these creatures, we first need to get to know them better. For this reason, we are reading and researching about these adorable animals.

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Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko.

Gune honek Akismet erabiltzen du zaborra murrizteko. Ikusi nola prozesatzen diren zure erantzunen datuak.