Martxoko lehenengo astean, 1.B-ko ikasleok, bisita berezi bat izan genuen, Iruñako udaltzaingoak gure gelatan sartu ziren. Bide hezkuntza garrantzitsua dela ohartarazi eta hainbat gomendio eman zizkiguten gela barruan izan genuen solasaldian.

Hurrengo egunean praktikan jarrigenuen ikasitako guztia eta udaltzainek prestatutako zirkuito batean oinezkoak eta auto gidariak (bizikletan) izan ginen. Udaltzainen lana egitekodenbora ere izan genuen, eta isunak jarri genizkien arauakbetetzen ez zituzten oinezko edo gidariei.

Oso ongi pasa genuen oinezkoen eta gidarien arau guztiak ikasiz.

The first week of March, the 1stB students had a special visit, the local police of Pamplona. They came to class to give us some recommendations about driver education and to be come aware of how important it is in order to avoid accidents.

The next day, we put in to practice everything we had learnt the day before in class. They prepared a very entertaining circuit for us and we had to act as a pedestrian, a driver (using bicycle or scooter), even as the local police, fining pedestrians or drivers who did not comply with the regulations.

We had a good time and we enjoyed learning how to be a good pedestrian or driver and we really really enjoyed imposing fines when our friends did not comply with the regulations.

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