Bideo dibertigarri honen bidez, Buztintxuri I.P.-ko irakasle guztiak bere ikasleetaz agurtu nahi izan dira. Udaz asko gozatu!


All the teachers in the school wanted to say goodbye in this very special way. Have a great summer!


Berrogeialdian ere, jarraitu dugu ikasten jolasaren bitartez. Dibertigarriak izan diren jarduera ezberdinak burutu ditugu etxean: Arte-proiektuak; Esperimentu zientifikoak; sukaldaritza keratiboa…

Baina orain, uda dator eta eskolan oporrak izango ditugu!

Nahiz eta aurtengoa planeaturiko edo desiratutako uda ez izan arren, oraindik dibertigarriak diren gauzak baditugu egiteko. Egin zerrenda jostari bat, eta hauetako ideia batzuk posible izango dira. 

Ideiak behar al dituzu zure zerrenda osatzeko? Gureak erabili. Hona hemen udan egin ditzazkegun zenbait gauza dibertigarri: Festa dantza familian; Lego erronka (gaztelua edo etxea eraikitzen, adibidez. Sormenak irabaziko du!); Belarrak eta landareak landatu; Auzoa mapatu; Sukaldaritza erronka; Zerbait berria ikasi (musika tresna jotzen; ukelelea, adibidez, edo hizkuntza berri bat ikasi familian); Egongela kanpinean bihurtu; Haurrentzako yoga probatu, Liburu bat idatzi (motza izan daiteke); Abenturazko edo misteriozko film bat egin familian…

Ideaia hauek lagungarriak izatea espero dugu! Ongi pasa lagunak!










Even in quarantine, we kept on learning through play. We have done so many fun indoor activities: Art projects; Science Experiments; Creative cooking recipies…

But now, it’s summer time!! Holiday from school!! 

Even this is not the summer we had hoped or planned for, there really is still fun to be had.  Make a list of fun stuff to do, and some of the ideas will be possible.

Need some ideas for your list? Use ours. Here are some fun things to do this summer: Family dance party; Lego challenges (building a castle or a house. Creativity wins!); Grow herbs and flowers, Map the neighborhood; Cooking challenge; Learn sometihing new (you can learn an istrument, like ukelele or everyone can learn a language in your home); Go camping in the living room; try kids yoga, write a book (it can be short!), make an adventure or mystery movie with your family…

We hope this ideas inspires you! Have fun friends!


Joan den martxoaren 14an Espainiako gobernuak alarma egoera ezarri eta eskola presentzialak aldi baterako eten zituenean, inork ezin zuen imajinatu ikasturte honetan ikasgeletara itzuliko ez ginenik.

Garai hartan, ingelesezko antzerkiaz gozatzen ari ginen, eta bigarren hiruhilekoa amaitzen ari ginen. Gure kezkak Euguira joateko egunean egingo zuen eguraldiari buruzkoak edo  aitaren eguneko zubirako planei buruzkoak ziren bestalde Hondarribiako kanpamentuan astebete pasatzeko unea hurbiltzen ari zela somatzen genuen.

Zoritxarrez, pandemiaren tamaina hain handia izan zen, gobernuak eskolak hurrengo ikasturtera arte etetera behartuta ikusi zuela bere burua. Denbora horretan guztian, maisu-maistrek, ikasleek eta familiek irakasteko, ikasteko eta bateratzeko beste modu batera egokitu behar izan dugu, eta konturatu gara ezerk ezin duela irakaskuntza presentziala ordezkatu.

Gauza asko aldatu behar izan ziren; Pasearte birtuala izan zen, eta seigarren agurra bideokonferentzia bidez izango da,  ezin izan genuen talde kooperatiboetan lan egin, ezta zientzia-proiektuekin jarraitu ere, baina denok ikasi dugu zerbait. Maisuok ordenagailutik lan egitera egokitu gara, familiek beren esku zegoen guztia egin dute seme-alabek etxeko lan guztiak egin ahal izateko. Haurrek fitxategiak igotzen eta jaisten ikasi dute, mezu elektronikoak bidaltzen, Google drive erabiltzen, argazkiak egiten eta bideoak grabatzen, gero eransteko.

Zoritxarrez, Espainian dagoen eten digitalaz ere ohartu gara, eta horrek asko zaildu du familia batzuk hain ohiz kanpoko irakaskuntza-egoera horretara egokitu ahal izatea. Espero dezagun ikasgelak utzi behar ez izatea, baina hausnartu beharko genuke Interneterako sarbidearen garrantziaz, agian pertsona guztientzako oinarrizko eskubide bihurtu beharko litzatekeelako.

Ikasturte arraro hau amaitu egiten da, baina datorren ikasturtea guztiontzat normala izango delako ilusioarekin joango gara, horrek epidemia kontrolpean dagoela esan nahiko du,  eta ikasle guztientzako hezkuntza integrala eta berdintasunezkoa bermatuta dagoela


When the last 14th of March the Spanish government decreed the State of Alarm and suspended face-to-face school lessons, nobody could imagine that we will not be coming back to school during this academic year.

Back then we were enjoying English theatre plays at school, we were about to finish the second term and we just were concerned about the weather on the Eugui school trip day, the plans for the Father’s Day holidays and we were also looking forward to spending one week at Fuenterrabía camp.  

 Unfortunately, the sacale of such a big Pandemic forced the government to suspend school lessons until the next academic course.  During this period of time teachers, students and families have adapted to a new way of teaching, learning and familiy reconciliation and we have realised that nothing can replace face-to-face teaching.

Many things had to change, we had a virtual “Pasearte” and the year 6 farewell will be through videoconference. We had to stop working in cooperative groups and we could not finish the science projetcs but we all have learnt something. Teachers have learnt to work from their computers, families have done everything in their hands so their children could finish all their worksheets and students have learnt to upload and download files, send emails, use Google Drive and take photos and videos to be attached. 

Unfornumately we have also realised of the digital divide there is in Spain that has made very difficult for some families to adapt to this extarordinary teaching situation. Hopefully we will never have to leave the schools again but we should reflect about the importance of internet access and perhaps it should become a fundamental right for everyone.

This weird school year finishes but we expect next school year to be as normal as possible. That would mean that the epidepic is under control and that a well-rounded and equal education is guaranteed to all students.


%49,7 boto kopuruarekin, zuhaitza duen proposamena, hurrengo 20-21 ikasturterako agendaren portada izateko  garaile suertatu da.

Aurreko ikasturteetan bezala, prozesua oso partehartzailea izan da. Lehen Hezkuntzako 5.mailako ikasleak beraien proposamenak aurkeztu, eta finalistak 5 izan ziren, gela bakoitzetik bana. Ondoren, Lehen Hezkuntzako 2.,3.4, eta 6. mailako ikasleak gustokoena bozkatu zuten. Ikasturte honetan prozesua modu telematikoan eraman da.

Aurkeztutako lanen artean, proposamen oso interesgarriak izan ditugula esan behar da. Eskerrik asko partehartzeagatik eta zorionak finalistei. Orain portada honetaz gozatzea  falta zaigu!

Portadas finalistas

Portadas finalistak

Portada irabazlea


























With 49.7% of all the votes cast, the entry which features a beautiful tree at its centre has been named  the winner and so, will be the picture on the cover of our school diary for the next school year 2020- 2021.

As with all the previous years, there were quite a few entries for this year’s competition. Almost all the children from the fifth classes worked hard on their entries and one from each class, a total of five in all, was selected for the last round. The children from the  second, third and fourth classes voted for the one they liked the most. This year,the whole process was done online.

There were alot of very good entries and the quality was generally high. It is indeed a pity that there could only be one winner. Thanks a million to all who took the time to participate, a big shout out to the finalists and we hope you all enjoy using the new school diary with its marvellous cover.


5 urtetako B gelan, ipuin honen bidez hasi ginen jorratzen pertsonentsako diren
hainbat aspektu oso garrantzitsuak direnak garapen pertsonalarako eta bizitza
osorako. Hauek dira, enpatia, autokonzeptua, autoestima, aniztasuna, tratu onak,….
Guzti hau eta beti ere, errespetutik abiatuta, aho komunikaziorako arauak ongi
erabiltzen, arreta bermatzen, baita entzumen aktiboa, parte hartzea, disfrutatzea eta
aldi berean ere, idazketa kolektiba eta talde-lana garatzen. Den dena bertan behera
gelditu egin zen jasotzen ari garen pandemiarekin, baina izandako bizipena oso
aberatsa izan da.















The girls and the boys from the B group of 5 year- old,within this book, we discovered some important aspects for our personal development and for our life’s course such as empathy, self-concept, self-esteem, diversity, well-treatment…

We work respecting each other, using the correct rules of a good oral communication and promoting attention, active listening, participation, enjoyment and collective and cooperative writing.

This project was paralyzed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the experience lived until the 13th of March was very enriching.


Urtero bezala, urtaro honek gure pasaiak , zelaiak eta baratzak biziaz eta kolorez betetzen ditu.

Udaberriak konfinamendua edo birusak zer diren ez du ulertzen eta naturaltasunez aurrera jarraitu du.

Nekazariek zelaietan mota guztietako landareak erein dituzte udan fruituak biltzeko.

Oraingoan , 3.mailako ikasleok etxetik nekazari lanak egin ditugu . Arraultzen azal pertsonalizatuetan dilistak landatu ditugu.











As every year, this season floods our landscapes, fields and and orchards with life and color.

Spring doesn’t understand about confinents or viruses and it has followed its natural course.

Farmers plant their fields with all kinds of plants to pick their fruits in the summer.

On this occasion students from 3º D, F and E have worked as labradors from home. We have planted lentils in customized eggshells.







4 urte B taldeko lagunak lanean egon ginen gure Pasearteko eraskusketa egiteko. Beste erronken artean, artelan desberdinak imitatu ditugu, ikusi-ikusi ze polita geratu zaigun!


The B group of 4 year-olds have been working very hardly for our exhibition in Pasearte. 

In one of our challenges, we had to represent the artworks of differents artists. Come and see the result!


Nork esan behar zigun elkar ikusi gabe hainbeste denbora egon behar ginenik!


Han dago Martxoak 13a, denok elkarrekin jolastera eta bizipenak  izatera eskolara joan ginen azken eguna. Etxean egon garen aste guzti hauetan , irakasleen proposamen pila jaso ditugu, baino gehien gustatu zaiguna, dudarik gabe, taldetxoetan  gelako lagunekin bideodeia egitea izan da. Ezin izan dugu denok elkar ikusi, baino elkar ikusi dugunen artean bitxikeriak kontatu ditugu, Maiterekin abestu dugu, gure jostailu gustokoenak elkar  erakutsi ditugu….oso dibertigarria izan da! elkar ikusteko gogo handiak genituen!

















How much time apart!

Since the last 13th of march, we have been working from our houses. We have painted, created, danced, sung, experimented …., without leaving home.

Undoubtedly, of all the activities the best was the Meet meeting. In that meeting, we could saw each other again, we show our houses, our toys… it was an incredible time.

We saw Maite again!!! It was great!!


4. mailako ikasleak bioeraikuntzaren inguruan ikertzen ari gara, oilategi bat eraikitzeko eskolan. Horrek, gure jakin – mina piztu zuen etxebizitzak historian zehar nolakoak izan diren jakiteko. Eta ikasitako guztia marrazkien bitartez irudikatu genuen. 



















The students of 4th grade have investigated on the sustainable construction to build a chicken coop at school. This led us to want to know more about housing throughout History and we have represented through drawings all what we have learned.

LH 3. A

Kaixo, lagunak!

Heldu da ekaina, eskolako azken egunak, baina hemen jarraitzen dugu, jo ta ke lanean!!!

Eskolako azken asteetan, lanean gogor jarraitzeaz gain, denetarako uneak ere badauzkagu: familian jolasteko, esperimentuak egiteko, familian errezetak egiteko, bideodeietan ikaskideekin jolasteko…

Hau ez dadila gelditu!


Hello friends!!!

June is here, last school days, but we still continue working hard!!!

Last school weeks, besides working hard, we have time for anything: to play with our family, to carry out experiments, to cook with the family, to play games with classmates by video calls…

Don’t let this stop!